Historical Episcopal Church since 1843
1333 Bay Street, Staten Island, NY 10305

Discover Faith
As a Christian church in the Anglican tradition, St. John’s is a bridge between the ancient teachings of the church and contemporary thought and inquiry. For faith to be dynamic, both must be kept in dialogue with one another. Add to that an authentic encounter with Christ through the Sacrament of Holy Communion, prayer, meditation, and the regular study of Scripture, and faith becomes alive with possibility. At St. John’s you will have every opportunity to discover for yourself a faith deeply rooted in Scripture and Sacrament and lived out authentically in the daily realities of life.
Discover Family
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some families stretch back generations and are connected by bloodlines that can be traced back hundreds of years to ancient ancestors. Other families are created by the commitment one person makes to another to “be there” through all the changes of life. St. John’s recognizes and celebrates the diversity of families that enrich our communities. Whatever the shape or size of your family, you will discover an even larger Christian family at St. John’s, ready to “be there” for you in prayer, worship, fellowship, and love.
Discover Friends
Being a part of a church is being part of a community of people who know and love you. It means being with people who celebrate the joys that come your way, as well as being there when things get a little rough. St. John’s is an energetic family that includes multi-generational Staten Islanders as well as those who made the decision to leave their homes, and, for some, their homelands, to make Staten Island their new home. Richly diverse, St. John’s is a place where all are invited and all are welcome.