Below are the stained glass of St. John's along with their inscriptions. Photos by Brian Kutner and Todd Adams.

1. The Virgin Mary Heard the Angle Gabriel (Left of Altar)
Rededicated in memory of Norman Henderson
“Hail, thou that are highly favoured.” (The Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among women.) (St. Luke 1.28)

2. The Ascension of Christ - 11 Disciples (Large windows over Altar)
Given by Mrs. Nathaniel Marsh (daughter of William Townsend; wife of Judge Nathaniel Marsh (November 27, 1815 - July 18, 1864), a warden of St. John’s), Mrs. James R. Boardman and Mrs. Theodore Satterthwaite in memory of their husbands.
Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? (Acts 1:11)
In my father’s house there are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto myself. (St. John 14.2-3)

3. Jesus and the Sick Maiden (Right of Altar)
Rededicated in memory of Kathleen Bonebakker
He took her by the hand, saying Maid, Arise! (St. Luke 8.11)

4. Six Panels of Acts of Mercy (Large window in south transept)
In memory of James Rockwell Boardman, M. D., a beloved physician of the church who died on April 11, 1856
I was hungry and ye gave me meat;
I was a stranger and ye took me in;
I was thirsty and ye clothed me;
I was sick and ye visited me;
I was in prison and ye came unto me. (St. Matthew 25.35-36)

5. St. John the Evangelist with Eagle (his symbol) (In south transept)
In memory of Henry Robert Ball (1818-1863) and his wife Elisa Ball (1801-1870),
Erected by their sister, Janet Cranfurd;
Rededicated in memory of Helen Baker.

6. Angel Gabriel and Angel of Mary (In south transept facing Bay St.)
To the glory of God and in loving memory of Isabelle Dorothea Cameron
- died on July 16, 1906
Rededicated in memory of James R. Olwig.
In they presence is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16:11)
Note: A fine example of the best modern English art, made by Percy Bacon and Brothers, 11 Newman St., London, England

7. Cherubs, “lifted” from classic painting by Raphael (Along south aisle in the Nave)
In memory of Annie Gibson (1863-76; age 12) and Henry Atkinson (1855-1856; age 18 months)
Is it well with the child? And she answered. It is well. (II Kings 4.26)
He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom. (Isaiah 40:11)

8. St. Martha and St. Mary of Bethany (along south aisle in the Nave)
St. Martha given in memory of Edna S. Thompson (1892-1992),
by her children Jeanette (Stahr), Arthur Jr. and Peter
St. Mary given in memory of Dorothy Smith (1904-1992),
by Marilyn “Bunny” and Frank Killea

9. The Holy Innocents of Bethlehem (Back south side in the Nave)
1st panel, in memory of Carolyn Hayes (1941-1993),
2nd panel, in memory of David I. Hayes (1898-1983) and Anna J. Hayes (1904-1978)
Both panels given by David Hayes

10. The Resurrection (West wall south side in the Nave)
1st panel, in memory of Gertrude Kemper Hood (1916-1988) and John William Hood (1913-1993)
Given by Laurence and Carol Thaten
2nd panel, in memory of Elsie D. Phimister (1909-1997) and H. Alfred Phimister (1913-1997)
Given by Lynn Phimister

11. Four Panels of Nativity Scenes (South wall over entrance)
In memory of Theodore Satterwaite (1862-1895),
Rededicated in memory of Captain and Mrs. George Foster
Hail, thou that art highly favoured. (St. Luke 1.28)
Unto you is born a child which Christ the Lord (St. Luke 2.11)
Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. (St. Luke 2.10)
When they saw the young child they fell down and worshipped him. (St. Matthew 2.11)
Note: The minutes of the vestry meeting of December 3, 1907 recorded that this window was maliciously broken by stone-throwing and plans discussed for placing a screen over it to prevent repetition.

12. St. Michael and Angels (South wall north side in the Nave)
Dorothy Hartman Baker - loving wife and mother
St. Michael the Archangel, the most potent of all God’s helpers. His name “Michael” is of Hebrew origin and literally translated means, “Who is like unto God?”

13. The Nativity (Back of north side in the Nave)
In memory of all our loved ones
Given by the D’Elia and Schweiger families

14. The Crucifixion (Along north aisle in the nave)
In loving memory of Marilyn “Bunny” Killea (1928-1999), church secretary for 30 years,
given by Frank Killea

15. Tiffany Window (Along north aisle in the nave)
To the Glory of God and in memoriam of George Ripley (1827-1893) and
Mary Tharasa Townsend Ripley (1827-1893),
erected by their children;
Rededicated in memory of Mr. And Mrs. L. Schweiger
Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God (Acts 10.4)
Note: This windows is made by opalescent glass (no longer available) by either John LaFarce or Louis C. Tiffany, artists of great reputation; installed in 1901.

16. Easter Window (North aisle in the nave)
1st panel, in memory of Wm. B. Townsend (1790-1876),
one of the founders of this church;
2nd panel in memory of Susan B. Townsend (1792-1860),
wife of Wm. B. Townsend
Rededicated in the memory of Marie Mohr)
Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

17. Two women (North transept facing Bay St.)
In memory of Agnes Jane Leaycaft, died on February 4, 1879,
erected in loving remembrance by her children;
Rededicated in memory of Captain and Mrs. E. M. Harker, William and Herbert Harker
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (St. Matthew 5.8)

18. St. George, Knight in Armour (North transept left of children)
Erected by loving hands to the memory of Aymar Cater (1837-May 4, 1872),
a vestry member and benefactor of this church;
Restored in 1976 by Ralph and Margaret DiSpagno
He was a faithful friend, an honest man, a devout Christian. Not slothful in business - ferret in spirit - serving the Lord.
Note: This was the first funeral from the new church.

19. Jesus and Children (Large window in the north transept)
1st panel in memory of Arthur F. Gilman (1861-1868), child of Arthur and Faces R. Gilman, son of the architect of the church who gave his services free of charge and donated this memorial window for his 7 year old son;
2nd panel depicts a small window of the boy Samuel (above Jesus and Children) is “lifted” from a classic panting.
Window restored in 1976 to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Margaret Kremser
No inscription, but related scriptures -
The Lord called. Samuel answered: speak, for thy servant heareth.” (I Samuel 3.10)
Suffer the little children to come unto me. Forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. (St. Mark 10.14)
Death lies on him like an untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all the field.