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  • Writer's pictureSt. John's

A Message from the Vestry

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

December 17, 2020

We are deeply saddened to inform you of the untimely passing of our Warden, Parishioner, and friend, Mrs. Edwina McCrimmon early this morning.

We already feel a great loss with her passing as she was an integral member of our St. John’s Parish Family, as well as being a devoted wife, mother, and daughter. She was very involved in our Richmond Inter-Parish Council, together with her son’s school.

Our Staten Island Episcopal Clergy are communicating with Steven, Steven, Jr. and her mother, Agnes Trinity in order to arrange a celebration of her life and ministry here. The Episcopal Diocese of New York has expressed their sympathy for the shock and devastating loss to us all.

We ask that you keep her family in your prayers as they sort through this tragedy.

May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Faithfully yours,

The Vestry of St. John’s Church

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Dec 23, 2020

Edwinia it will be hard to find someone like you my dear, you were love and will always be but God loves you better so Rest In Peace sweetheart

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